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What Is A Qualifying Disability?

Federal disability benefits are limited to those with qualifying disabilities that prevent them from earning a living. How do you know if your disability qualifies? The answer is more complicated than you might think.

Generally speaking, you must be totally disabled to qualify for Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Your disability must be terminal or projected to last at least a year. Certain medical conditions automatically count as qualifying disabilities, but others require a case-by-case determination.

How To Build A Strong Claim

A major part of the SSD/SSI process involves proving that you have a qualifying disability. The initial application is your first opportunity to present a strong case showing that you are disabled. If your initial claim is denied, however, you may still have another chance to make your case during an administrative hearing.

When you’re unable to work and are struggling to make ends meet, every minute counts. The sooner you can get the benefits you deserve, the better.

Let our attorneys help. At Debra L. Broz, Attorneys at Law, PLC, we can walk you through the requirements for Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income benefits. With more than 60 combined years of legal experience, our lawyers understand what kind of documentation the Social Security Administration (SSA) looks for in these cases. We can help you prepare a strong initial application or challenge a wrongful claim denial.

Located in Bowling Green, we represent clients with disabilities throughout Warren County and southcentral Kentucky.

We Don’t Get Paid Unless You Do*

Don’t risk missing out on the benefits you deserve. We’ll help you pursue those benefits as quickly as possible. Get started with a free consultation by calling 270-782-8184 anytime, 24/7.

*The client is obligated to pay case expenses as well as court costs in the event of a recovery.